Wage and minimum wage


Wage is a pecuniary interest or a non-cash benefit (payment in-kind) provided by the employer to the employee for the work performed. The agreed wage may not be smaller than the minimum wage (the minimum wage in 2017 is € 435, and the minimum hourly wage is € 2.50).


Act No. 311/2011 Labour Code and the labour contract concluded between the employee and the employer (including collective agreement, where appropriate). Please contact a local Labour Inspectorate for further information if you need advice. Contacts can be found on their official website (in English): http://www.ip.gov.sk/home/

Košice, Slovenská Republika

Národný inšpektorát práce (National Labour Inspectorate)

Masarykova 10

040 01 Košice
T +421 55 7979 902
F +421 55 7979 904